Day 21: one of my best days so far – Life 2 the Limit blog

Posted by Joe Starke on 26 April 2010

I haven’t been inside a building in 21 days. How odd, yet how awesome!

Today was probably one of my best days in spite of an inevitable degree of tiredness. I did a good deal of thinking, particularly with regard to my upcoming studies in London and several other things, including the possibility of returning here in 10 years (with more numerous supplies of course!) for a period of review and reflection similar to what I am doing now.

Nick and I also processed a large amount of firewood so our stock pile is at a high level, which is very comforting as it means less energy expenditure over the next few days.

Saul and I had a great discussion about books we would recommend and why. I wrote and thought quite a bit about the sort of life I wish to have in the future. Certainly the time here to just think, with minimal external demands on my time, has been enormously valuable as it is so markedly different from the hectic pace of my ‘normal’ life – which makes me wonder, of course, how I might need to begin to change aspects of that life.

I was once again privileged to witness an incredible thunderstorm on the horizon at night from my hammock – evidence once again that time spent in nature is its own reward!

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