Day 11 on the island: Life 2 the limit blog

Posted by Joe Starke on 14 April 2010

My new hammock spot is great and the sweet water here quite delicious.

I have the feeling that soon one or several team members will choose to leave the island. I don’t know who or when or why, it’s more a subtle impression that I cannot shake. If this does happen it’ll sadden me, as I would dearly like us all to make it to Day 30. But of course it’s difficult and each must make their own decision.

I’m pleased to say there is time to watch the constant busyness of insects – something which I greatly enjoy as an inducement for thought. They go about apparently frantically, labouring in heat that completely exhausts us, and yet they are undoubtedly living out a highly developed programme of behaviour, which has allowed them to continue to thrive.

This causes me to wonder at our own existence and whether our apparent freedom (if and when we actually get around to using it!) is in fact a cunning ruse. Perhaps we too are merely living out a programme, but one so ‘cleverly’ developed that it allows us to believe we are autonomous… mmm…

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