Life’s a beach in Tofo, Mozambique

Posted by Sarah Duff on 20 March 2010

When planning our Mozambique trip Lisa and I came up with a schedule that we have now realized is over-ambitious. We’ve reshuffled our trip itinerary and will be heading to Vilanculos tomorrow, a change which has left us with a day to cover all of Tofo.

Tofo is the kind of place that shouldn’t be done in a day – it’s a super chilled surfer spot that lends itself to doing nothing, going to the beach and then having a beer. It’s hard to combat the lazy holiday vibe that permeates this beach town when you’re under pressure and working, but somehow we managed to do it.

Lisa went for a dive in the morning while I explored the food market, interviewed chefs and tried out Tofo’s culinary delights. We had reiki massages, went for a surfing lesson, and did yoga at sunset on a deck overlooking the sea. Ok, it’s not exactly a day at the office, but I can promise you that it was a hard day’s work!

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