Bitterfontein to Garies: Scorching heat, hills and headwinds

Posted by Circling The South on 7 March 2010

We got out of Bitterfontein a bit late and got going towards the town of Garies, a ride of about 66km. The first 15 was a breeze while it was still cool. We had breakfast on the road and got going again, without knowing what was in store for us. The temperature gradually rose, by 9am it was 35 degrees, by noon the thermometer recorded 45 degrees celcius! To make mater worse the terrain become more and more mountainous and we had a strong headwind in our faces. After 44km we could go not more and took refuge in the first spot of shade we could find since leaving Bitterfontein, a small picnic table at the side of the road with a little tin roof. We spent three hours there hiding from the scorching sun. A kind couple stopped and offered us some beers and fruit which we happily accepted. About two hours later the same couple came back that way and brought us each an ice cold bottle of mineral water, we cannot describe in words what these acts of kindness from complete strangers mean in times like these.

We eventually pushed on and were very fortunate to have a quick shower of rain on the road, it cooled of the road and the last 22 km was a joy compared to what we had experience in the morning. We reached Garries after 4pm and set out to find a place to pitch our tent. Unfortunately the people of Garies were not as friendly as the people of Bitterfontein and we received a rather chill reception at the hotel and the several guesthouses where we made enquiries. After much hassle we eventually found an official who could open the campsite for us. The campsite left the same impression than the rest of town – not well kept and not very friendly. It was too hot to sleep in the tents and we just slept outside on the porch of a building in the campsite. Even sleeping outside could not save us from the hottest night I ever experienced, when we went to bed at 9pm it was still 34 degrees. I doubt if Garries will see me again any time soon!

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