Day 54: Kwa Maritane to Northam

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 1 March 2010

After a good night’s rest, I woke early to pack up and hit the road hard, as my goal was about 55 km, to put me on the northern side of Northam. By doing this, it’d allow me a slightly shorter day [45km or so] into Thabazimbi on Tuesday. Mileage was pretty easy going in the beginning, but a puncture in Mogwasse slowed me down – but I was not at all frustated.

I needed a cold drink as the heat was already punishing and I swung in at a small garage complex on the outskirts of town and, while sitting to enjoy a break in the shade, the owner came to chat and then offered me R100 to buy some water or other drinks. I said I already had my stuff, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer and then asked what network I am on… so that he could buy me airtime. He came out with an R110 voucher and we exchanged numbers – I’ll be sure to SMS him updates (no excuse for not having airtime!).

I pushed on and decided to order a bicycle (why not!?) so called Aylex at The Epic Bike Shop and got the ball rolling. It’s a new bike, but is built on a design from the early 1900s and is gorgeous. I’ll use it as my main commuting bicycle and for some campaign work once I get back to Cape Town. It’s a single speed with a very simple break and not much else… but is perfect for what I have in mind. After that I chatted with my dad, who seems to have organised a way for Tootsie to get back to Cape Town… yay again!

The heat was really hitting me and I was starting to fade, but I guzzled a loaf of bread and many MuleBars and made good distance… but a secnd puncture killed me time again. By now it was so hot my tyre levers were simply bending and having no effect on the tyre, delaying me even more… but I’d just entered my fifth and final province – Limpopo – so not much was gonna get me down.

I slowly approached Northam, having seen a sign at the provincial border that said Thabazimbi was still 68 km away. Eish, this was gonna be a big push!

By the time I reached Northam I’d done 47 km and was fading fast, but everything was either closed or far from the main road… and I didn’t really want to detour too much. And then, as I hit a little over 49 km a guy pulled up and asked where I was staying. When I replied that I was aiming for 10 km out of town, he starting picking Tootsie up and insisted I stay at his lodge… and eat steak with him.

Ummmm… ok! So, after a swim & shower, I joined him for steak and ice cold Coke… and I even watched the Varsity Cup rugby with him.

Now… so prep for the 55 km to Thabazimbi on Tuesday…. zzz…

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