Day 39: Warrenton towards Christiana

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 14 February 2010

Despite all my best intentions to leave early, I stuck around a little as Willem had offered to show me the Vaalharts Dam and canal system. These are fairly far from the road, so it wouldn’t been a hectic detour for me… and I would’ve missed the small weir and canal system altogether.

Built in the 60s, it is one awesome system! The amount of thinking and planning (considering the lack of technology back then) is awesome, but the devastation from the flood is just as mind-blowing. To think that water could rise that high and widen the river by that much is just amazing.

The dam itself is full but no longer seriously overflowing, although some gates are open. I took plenty pics and we headed back home for a great brekkie and my final attempt to pack.

Eventually I got it right and we chatted a little while I dived in the pool one last time to cool off, and then after some pics I set off again… heading to Christiana, well, towards it at least. 44 km or so was not going to be covered today, that was for sure.

Somehow I crossed the Vaal River again – damn! And not long after that I crossed into the North West Province. Very cool! So, as per my usual milestone celebration, I cracked a Red Bull and enjoyed a quality drink to drive me forward.

Distance came fairly easily today and I think the roadworks has something to do with it. I walked on the closed side of the road which is slightly elevated, so I never had to worry about traffic. Nice and mentally comforting. Despite this the heat was attacking me and I regularly considered just pushing for Christiana to ensure I got something cold to end my day – but I decided to be smart and hold back.

So, I am camped on the lawn of the site office for the roadworks people 30 km from Warrenton. Yes, a little further from Christiana than hoped, but it was getting dark and my feet were sore!

Tomorrow, Christiana and beyond…

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