Ray Chaplin spends his last day at home before his solo walk begins.

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 7 November 2009

I’m lying in bed listening to the rain outside, wondering how the next four months are going to turn out… because it is one BIG adventure and challenge that lies ahead. It’s pretty daunting I must say.

I went out for dinner with the folks earlier and could feel myself tensing up and the nerves kicking in! And I realised I’ve been like that for the last 24hrs… a nervous wreck.

Had brekkie this morning with a friend and she asked if I was out of my comfort zone because I was in a new and different restaurant… and I answered ‘yes’. When in fact it was just nerves kicking in and unsettling me.

Day one is gonna be about clocking up the kilometres, keeping the feet in as dry a state as possible and making progress. With rain like this, that’s all I can wish for.

Mark, a mate of 17 years, is taking me to the starting point of Cape Point in the morning… so I’ll have a supportive and friendly face with me… and hopefully no tears.

The last 47hrs has been an emotional time too, with Betty (my bicycle) having been stolen on Thursday evening. With over 27,000km under her tyres, she’s been with me through thick and thin… and she will be missed!

However, some incredible people are busy working very hard to source, fund and build my ultimate touring bicycle… which they look to deliver to Beit Bridge for me at the end of January so allow me to cycle home.

The idea is that this bicycle (name to be confirmed once I see her) will then be used to cross Africa in 2010… but first, to get home safely from this trip.

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