A visual feast on the West Coast Photo Tour

Posted by Marion Whitehead on 22 March 2012

The annual West Coast Photo Tour in Namaqua National Park with master photographer Freeman Patterson and Frank Krummacher of the SA College of Digital Photography provides a visual feast and inspiration for new ways of seeing the world around you.

I learnt a lot about visual design and how to use tones, shapes, lines, textures, hues and perspective to give expression to what I saw in the dune fields and along the rocky shoreline of this wild coast. The group spent hours absorbed in making photographs, playing with composition, depth of field, where to put the focus and choosing a centre of interest. Freeman and Frank were on hand to advise and give valuable one-on-one guidance.

I tried out new things and had fun with multiple exposures. These are some of my favourite photos which I submitted for the crit on the final day.

The one-week tour starts and ends at the Kamieskroon Hotel off the N7 near the park in the Northern Cape. Four nights are spent camping in the Groen-Spoeg section of the park where facilities are basic, but the Kamieskroon Hotel team set up tents for us and provided delicious meals. For more info on this and spring flower season photo workshops in August, email [email protected] and see www.kamieskroonhotel.com.

For more photos from participants on this photo tour, check out the West Coast Photo Tour album.

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