How much do you spend on travel?

Posted by Cameron Ewart-Smith on 14 March 2012

Are you familiar with the travel writings of AA Gill? I recently purchased a copy of Here and There: Collected Travel Writing for my Amazon Kindle in which he asks why we travel.

Apart from a humorous take on the philosophy of travel – as he puts it you inevitably ‘find what you were looking for in a biscuit tin under your pillow’, he makes some very interesting points. ‘Travel agents,’ he says, ‘generally agree that what most of you want, is to pay less and go for longer.’ Yip – that works for me!

But this begs the question of how. How do you ensure you’re getting it right? Possibly the first thing you need to do is consider the amount you’re willing to spend. If I recall correctly, I read somewhere that the average Brit spends 10 per cent of their annual income on holidaying and travel. I wonder what the percentage would be for South Africans. I know there’s no way I spend that much – not even close – so maybe I need to change my perceptions of value for money.

What do you consider value for money on a trip and what perecentage of your annual income do you spend on yearly travel?

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