Outrage at MEC over Chapman’s Peak toll plaza

Posted by Evan Haussmann on 7 February 2012

‘Don’t touch Capetonians on their mountain!’ – Protester, Chapman’s Peak

Capetonians are outraged at the Western Cape MEC for Transport and Public Works, Robert Carlisle for approving construction of a toll plaza on Chapman’s Peak.

Anyone who drove over Chapman’s Peak on Monday morning would have seen graffiti around the toll plaza construction site. Blogger @tDCe tweeted a link to images of the activists Chapman’s Peak protest messages, dubbing them the #chappiesavenger. Read his witty post and see the whole series of nine images here. This is the latest in protest action against the construction of the Chapman’s Peak toll plaza which is unpopular for a few reasons, not least of which is it’s siting within the borders of a World Heritage Site.

If you build it, they will come

By all indications the R54million rand development isn’t going to go ahead without fervent opposition, even though construction is essentially already underway. Getaway’s Marion Whitehead was among the 2000 protesters who marched to the site on the 23rd of January. In her subsequent article ‘Capetonian’s say no to  Entilini’ she says, ‘Even Robin Carlisle, Transport and Public Works MEC… had to acknowledge that there was “an impressive’ number of people against the office block…'”

‘It wasn’t me…’

On January 11, before the protest action began Mr Carlisle was already defending himself, writing on the Politicsweb website: ‘When I became the minister, I inherited a binding contract that had been conceived in sin or insanity; there is no other possibility (but for construction to go ahead).’ He explains how he renegotiated a better agreement, concluding: ‘This administration has met its promise of re-opening Chapman’s Peak and renegotiating a more favourable contract, saving the taxpayer over R84 million in the process.‘ Read the whole article here.

The MEC then published a brochure outlining the processes saying, ‘Matters of public concern are best addressed when the people are fully informed.

But apparently to no avail…

Since the protest, Mr Carlisle has continued taking a lot of heat about the Chapman’s Peak Toll Plaza development. Public disapproval ranges from accusations of corruption (as illustrated by @tDCE’s photos), to criticism for allowing a R54 million ‘luxury office block’ development within the World Heritage site. The legal fees and red tape having already cost R100 million isn’t helping resolve the issue either.

The protesters still won’t let up…

The Cape Argus and Weekend Argus’ SMS columns have been inundated with messages of opposition to the Minister of Transports approval of the Toll Plaza construction. So much so that clearly exasperated, Mr Carlisle sent a text last weekend saying: “This is an invitation to Gary of Rondebosch and all the other cowards who question my integrity from the anonymity of SMS Feedback, to phone me at 083 264 9018 to introduce themselves and their accusations. Robin Carlisle.” 

The Daily News website reports: ‘Asked to explain his reasons for submitting the SMS, he told the Cape Argus today (6 Feb 2012): “I’m not threatening anyone. What I am sick of is being called a ‘liar’ and a ‘crook’ and ‘in cahoots’ – and other defamatory names. “If someone writes a letter to the newspaper and says ‘Robin Carlisle is an a..hole, signed J Smith’, then that’s fine, all good and well. But it’s not fine to defame me anonymously.”

You miss the point, Mr Carlisle 

I’m afraid Mr Carlisle, with all due respect, if your main concern is whether people vent their disenchantment to your face or not, you really are missing the point. The fact remains you approved the erection of yet another unpopular building, 12 Apostles Hotel being the other, inside a supposedly protected area. For that sir, you really shouldn’t be suprised if an increasing number of people actually accept your invitation to call you the north end of a southbound moose. In fact you should be grateful, it could be worse.

Protest, but not anonymously? Are you serious?

If you’d like to protest the action, you can give the minister a call, here’s his number again – 083 264 9018.

Hout Bay have their own petition protesting development on Chapman’s Peak. Sign it here.

Or if you’re really creative you could win R1000 by entering an essay to the SANParks Annual Writing Competition, don’t hold your breath though…

Most of all we’d like to hear your thoughts and feeling about the whole affair. Please, leave a comment below.



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