Top 15 tweets from the public hearing on rhino poaching

Posted by Christie Fynn on 27 January 2012

The hashtag #rhinohearing, created by Rhino Reality, trended in South Africa yesterday during the public hearing on rhino poaching in parliament. Ministers and individuals tweeted about the proceedings and caused a flurry of tweets throughout the day.

These are the top 15 tweets that stood out for me:

‘@RhinoReality: Let’s get #rhinohearing trending today!’

1. @RhinoReality: Law states that all horn must be permitted, mico-chipped and registered on national database.


2. @gareth_morgan: Private rhino owners in South Africa keep more rhinos than whole of rest of Africa combined.


3. @africageo: “Illegal trade worth +-US $20billion annually, considered to be third most lucrative crime trade in world, behind drugs and human trafficking”


4. @sarahpippin: Research conducted in 2009 found that five provinces in South Africa failed to provide private stockpile data to CITES.


5. @RhinoReality: Chair says no ways that these animals will die on his watch. He is chairing the Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs.


6. @napoleansgirl160: My most shocking stat: Of the 150 orgs raising money for rhinos, only 20 can account for their funds.


7. @gareth_morgan: KZN wildlife decreased rhino poaching by 13% in 2011 compared with 2010.


8. @DawnJorgensen: All parties agree that the rhino poaching is organised crime and should be treated as such.


9. @esgarchitect: @lancegreyling questions rhino poaching, illegal trade is third largest US$20bn annually, quizzing @WWF how to build populations.


10. @RhinoReality: Wilderness Foundation claims it costs R25000 per rhino per year. This means R500 million per year to protect rhino.


11. @gareth_morgan: Govt put out tender to get someone to do a global research study relating to rhino horn. No suitable service provider found.


12. @gareth_morgan: Only two exporters of illegal horn arrested in 2011. No buyers arrested.


13. @gareth_morgan: Government wants to close down hunting from nationals that come from countries with weak CITES controls.


14. @RhinoReality: All the info from yesterday’s rhino hearing in Cape Town


15. @metaMeerkat: @SANParks walk out on our Rhinos VIDEO

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