The Ride team arrives in Cape Town

Posted on 15 January 2012

Barry Armitage and Joe Dawson set out on their latest expedition, Into the Unknown, from the Kwa-Zulu Natal in November 2011. With their horses, Cola, Cherokee, Pat and Jack, and back-up crew Leanne Black and Natalie Basson, they planned to ride to Cape Town. Part fund raiser, part road show, part social experiment, they trusted in the spirit of goodwill of their fellow South Africans to provide places to stay for their horses, and for themselves. Their journey has not only touched hearts, but appealed to the spirit of adventure which many of us would dearly love to explore.

Over 2000 kilometres and 10 weeks later The Ride team arrived in Cape Town on Saturday, 14th January 2012.

Horse lovers, fellow adventurers and proud South Africans have been invited to lend their support along every stretch of the journey. Celebrities and members of the media are encouraged to provide coverage for the growing fan-base, and support an initiative which is not only raising funds for horse-based charities, but which aims to unite South Africans in celebrating our unique country, with all its diverse offerings, cultures and beliefs.

As Barry and Joe approach edCape Town and the end of their journey it is important that everything behind their initiative is realised. They enjoyed a typical Cape welcome – in “allie tale” – and ask that the spirit of generosity extends itself to also supporting their chosen charities: the Cart Horse Protection Association, the Highveld Horse Care Unit, and the Coastal Horse Care Unit. Through this, every sacrifice – every tear, every moment of sheer exhaustion both for them, and their incredible horses – would have been worth it! Donations can be made at
Follow their progress on and

Barry and Joe are sincerely grateful to their long-time sponsor of The Ride, Equi-Feeds who provided feed for the horses for the duration of the journey and who extended their sponsorship to cash towards costs of the expedition. They thank Halfway Toyota who powered the expedition with a sponsored Landcruiser bakkie.

For more information about The Ride contract Sarah Dawson on cell +27-83-393-5008 or on [email protected].

The Cart Horse Protection Association

It is estimated that working carthorses support over 6000 people on the Cape Flats. Founded in 1995, The Cart Horse Protection Association is a registered Non-Profit Organisation dedicated to protecting working carthorses from abuse, and is committed to contributing to the upliftment and training of the Cape Flats carting community.

The organization has a solid track record as the Cape-based custodian of the working carthorse, and continues to be involved with the carting community at grassroots level. The Cart Horse Protection Association (through the generous donations and support from individuals and corporate donors) provides a clinic, daily patrols, a call out response, and veterinary and rehabilitation services to working cart horses on the Cape Flats. The organization and its volunteers also aim to offer support, education and training to cart horse owners and drivers who collect scrap metal as a means of generating income for themselves and their families.

Over the years the Cart Horse Protection Association has proved to be a creditable NPO working in the field of animal welfare with excellent social investment returns for funders and donors.
Visit for more information.

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