Cycle Africa for rhinos: Katima Mulilo to Kasane

Posted by Cycle Africa on 25 October 2011

After a stay of two weeks in Katima Mulilo in the Caprivi, it was time to move on. We had a lovely time sharing a little fishing cottage with Amelia, Josh and Rudy. As we mentioned in our last blog, they are missionaries on their way to Tanzania on horse back, but is temporary stranded in Katima Mulilo. We walked out richer in thoughts and was blessed by their caring. We hope and pray that their delay will be short and that they will be able to be on the go shortly. We would also like to thank Zambezi Fish Farm from the bottom of our hearts for letting us stay in the cottage at no cost.

Riki’s leg was still not fully recovered from the spider bite. We planned to hike towards the Botswanian border but ended up cycling the full distance of about 70 km. By the time we reached the border Hendrik’s patience was on the brink of extinction since he had to fix six punctures along the way.

It is not possible to cycle through Chobe National Park for obvious reasons. We had to catch a lift at the Botswanian border. It was already late afternoon, just before the border gates were closing. We thought that we will have to camp in front of the gate for the night. Just then a big truck passed us and Hendrik asked for a lift. Elton from BJ Groenewald Trucking, was so friendly to offer us a lift through the park. The seats are so high in such a massive truck that you can almost see beyond the horizon – a pleasure for game viewing! Chobe seems very dry at the moment and habitat destruction due to elephant activities are visible everywhere.

Elton dropped us off just outside the boom gates on the other side of Chobe. We had about five km to cycle to Kasane. A herd of sable antelope crossed the road in front of us. It was dusk, and then Hendrik got another puncture! There was an elephant foot path right where we stopped. It was quite nerve wrecking. We stopped another two, three, four times along the way to change tubes and to pump the wheels. Finally we arrived at Chobe Safari Lodge after dark. Our neighbours in the camp site was so friendly as to offer us their light while we try to set up camp in the dark.

The next day we had to be at Customs in Kasane to be picked up by boat. We were on our way to Ichobezi River lodge (Ichingo).

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