Seal swimming and adventure boat rides in Plettenberg Bay

Posted by Colleen Blaine on 10 June 2011

Plettenberg Bay and the Garden Route are favourite destinations for many travellers, local and international.  I spend some time getting to know the locals and finding out which are the better things to do while on holiday here.

The first adventure is swimming with seals and adventure boat rides with one of the tour operators down at Central Beach.The day is cloudy and rain is threatening as the fear of sharks and nerves precede me into the Offshore Adventure boat to go and swim with seals. Jaco Kruger, owner/skipper, takes the time out to remind me of all the necessary precautions they have taken to ensure a safe seal swimming experience. The first photographs are taken from within a Ziploc bag as we launch and the rain skims across my cheeks while we bounce along the surf, parallel to Plett’s Robberg Beach.

This Cape Fur seal colony has approximately 3000 seals and lies in the lee side of the Robberg Peninsula, ensuring calm, shallow waters and countless barking, glossy seals. Wetsuits, snorkels and masks, all provided as part of the fee, are adjusted as we plunge off the edge of the boat. Almost as soon as the first person is in the water we are met with an almost mexican wave of inquisitive cubs pouring into the sea to come and investigate. Ducking and diving they dance in front of you under the water, almost as if they are playing a game of catch-me-if-you-can. I try capturing some underwater shots and I soon realise what expert and nimble swimmers they are. I manage only a few as one hangs in the water in front of me as if posing, the rest are just semi-blurred images of whiskers and fins. What an extraordinary experience, watching them in their own environment as they come so close you can almost see your own reflection in their shiny, dark eyes.

The crew of Offshore Adventures are thoroughly knowledgeable about the seals and this colony, and are on hand in the water to answer all our questions. The water in this area is not known for being warm and I eventually clamber back on the boat shivering and trying to get some more action shots of the seals dancing and leaping out of the water. A thrilling ride home, cruising over the waves and launching ourselves back onto Central Beach, finishes off this inspiring adventure. Shortly after drying off I am treated to a cup of coffee at the Ski Boat Club while listening to Jaco talk passionately about his business, Offshore Adventures. He tells me; “People no longer want to just see things, they want to experience it! That is what we offer, while taking safety into account as well as respecting the animal’s environment and territory.”

Currently they are the only operators that have permission to do the seal swims and this has come about after extensive research and discussions with the relevant nature authorities. This is evident during the trip and they are clearly passionate and aware of what is important, which is something I value highly in a tourist operation. The best thing about it, they cater for old, young, fit and frightened (like me) and all for a reasonable fee. My opinion, although sceptical at first, I was delighted by the experience and would gladly go again and again, to just float and watch these wonderfully fearless, playful animals in their own back yard. So next time you are in Plettenberg Bay, go and check them out.

The next day the sun is out and the water is flat as we rocket off the sand once more and out into the Bay for our adventure ride in the 12 seater super speed boat. Launching over waves, a multitude of turns and speed tricks leave me feeling exhilarated and full of adrenalin. Plenty of whoops and shouts from my fellow passengers make it feel like a rollercoaster ride and although we were cruising around for a decent length of time, it has to end and we go flying back to the beach. I sit for a few second to allow my heart rate to calm down so I can elegantly climb off the boat and think what a fantastic alternative to sitting on the beach reading a book all day on your summer holiday.

Go and visit Offshore Adventures for more information at: or call them on cell 082-829-0809.

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