Recycled jewellery of Zimbabwe

Posted by The Vagabond Adventures on 28 March 2011

So much of Zimbabwe’s once productive farmland lies dormant since Mugabe’s redistribution of land (An incredible documentary to watch is Mugabe and the White African – it is a story of moral courage, about a family who stand up against the Zimbabwean government, refusing to leave their farm or desert their workforce).

However, there is an organic farm near Harare that has managed to keep going. The farm has even started employing farm workers’ wives and sisters to make beautiful jewellery by recycling old magazines and catalogues.

We visited the farm and watched the women create this unusual jewellery, and placed an order for Vagabond Van.

Peta, the farm owner’s daughter, started the recycled paper jewellery project two years ago. Old magazines and catalogues are cut, rolled with glue and then varnished to make individual beads. Once the paper is varnished it becomes hard and strong, you can even wear the jewellery in the rain, ‘but perhaps not in the bath’ warned Peta.

While the women worked deftly, the piles of candy beads grew and the radio spluttered soft African beats.

You can see why the necklaces are called Candy Chains – they look almost edible, like sweets. It’s a great way for these women to help support themselves and their families. They come when they wish and can bring their children too. Even the mirror was adorned with paper beads. Bow Wow found a nice spot to snooze by some catalogues. Baby Future snoozed contentedly on her beading mother’s back.

Peta organised for 20 children living in rural areas in Zimbabwe to come and camp at the farm for a week. While they were there they made an extraordinary hut made from old bottles and cans. The children have been inspired to make similar huts in their own villages.The hut actually sings when the wind blows as it whistles through the bottles. Workers on the farm use the hut as a church and sometimes as a cinema, in which they erect a big white sheet and project films. We were so inspired by Peta and the women we met and hope to help this wonderful enterprise grow.

The earrings made from bottle caps and the recycled-paper jewellery are now available to buy at

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