A springbok licked my camera: two awesome wildlife videos

Posted by Athenkosi Matyalana on 25 July 2013

What comes to mind when you hear the name Chris Barnard? The heart transplant surgeon or Afrikaans writer who penned Bundu? Then you are missing out on great travel, wildlife and nature videos by Capetonian filmmaker Chris Barnard. I stumbled upon him while searching for wildlife content on video sharing site Vimeo. After watching his video: a springbok licked my camera in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, I began cyber-stalking him and discovered 18 other videos under the name Chris Barnard.

A springbok licked my camera

If you have ever fancied a close encounter with a springbok, watch this. Two springbok break away from the herd and tip-toe on sand to sniff and lick Barnard’s camera. This video will definitely have you smiling. (More cute wildlife videos? Watch this: Ntombi the orphaned rhino calf frolicking for fun.)



 Ground Squirrel

What are the chances of getting a front row seat to a ground squirrel luncheon? Barnard snaps the rodent as it indulges in a midday snack at the Twee Rivieren Rest Camp in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (If you haven’t been, check out these 5 reasons to visit the Kgalagadi at least once.)

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