Video: Burning Man – the best festival in the world?

Posted by Chris Davies on 4 September 2014

Burning Man 2014 has just finished, and two good friends of mine have resurfaced after their first overseas burn.

A group of us have been going to AfrikaBurn for years now. And we love it. Without question it’s my favourite event of the year. (Have a look at our Afrikaburn archives to see why.) But chatting with these two online just now has made me feel almost ill with envy. Very ‘un-burn’ of me of course. But it sounds so fantastic, so much more worthwhile and varied than I had imagined. This is not just endless trance music in the desert – think hundreds of music venues of all kinds, huge multistory sculptures, TED talks on anything from neuroscience to Buddhism, and 70000 friendly, conversational, well-travelled, interesting and interested people. I’m sold. It’s now only a question of when, not if, I head to Nevada to see Burning Man for myself.

Sarah Duff, our once-upon-a-time web editor here at Getaway, shares her first-timers experience of Burning Man 2014 (in comparison to Afrika Burn) here.

Another friend shared this article from The Guardian the other day: My first Burning Man: confessions of a conservative from Washington. An interesting perspective that’s added fuel to my longing.

And then there’s this. A video from 2013 that came out in time for this year’s Burning Man.


Lake of Dreams from roy two thousand on Vimeo.

Well done (and thank you) roy two thousand. You just drove me over the edge.

And finally, I’ll leave you with this. A drone’s view of Burning Man 2014. Thanks to Fest300 for this awesome clip.



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