Fragments of Iceland: sublime travel video

Posted by Kati Auld on 15 October 2013

Are you ready for the most gorgeous five minutes of your week? This is one of those rare videos that is just as much about the destination as it is about the beauty of travelling. It does help that Iceland is almost unspeakably beautiful – black sand, exploding geysers, blue shards of ice, wind-rippled grass, the whole lot – but the feeling of getting away from it all and feeling the warmth of the sun in your hair is universal. (Though it must be said: I’m a little obsessed with Iceland. This timelapse of Iceland’s midnight sun, and this photoblog should convert you too.)

It’s off to a slow start, but hang around until at least 1:13 to see what I mean. For a video about a very cold place, you’ll be surprised by how sunny and warm the video seems. If you need more travel mania after you’ve watched it, the gorgeous timelapse “Why I shoot lights at night,” starring a fellow going a little mad in Norway, is a worthy follow-up.

Fragments of Iceland from Lea et Nicolas Features on Vimeo.

Thanks to Danielle Barnes for finding this!

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