Wildlife sightings at Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

Posted by Cameron Ewart-Smith on 5 October 2009

Watching the blue wildebeest fighting this morning reminded me of exactly why it is you come to places like the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park – to experience the drama of life as it unfolds before you.

We are here shooting a TV series on the Transfrontier Parks and have been putting in many hours filming. So far we’ve had mixed success. Ironically, it seems things crop up when you least expect it.

Take yesterday, we stopped to shoot a jackal that was barking and complaining in the river bed. He was quite disturbed. Then we discovered why. A short distance further on, on a small rocky outcrop was a leopard. And there’s clearly there’s nothing like a leopard to ruin a good morning’s scrounging.

It was too far for photographs and even our footage was on the edge of acceptable and so we ended up doing what you’re supposed to in the Kgalagadi – sitting back and enjoying the show.

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