Travelling around the eastern Free State

Posted by Cameron Ewart-Smith on 16 November 2009

Have you visited Golden Gate National Park and the eastern Free State yet?

I have just spent three days mooching around Golden Gate and Clarens and if you don’t know what I’m on about its high time you dug out a route map and aimed your car at one of the most spectacular areas in the country.

The mountain scenery is truly breathtaking and animal enthusiasts can search for oribi, bearded vultures and more. If you’re keen on walking you can choose from a range of day walks or if you prefer an overnight trail (there is a two day trail in the reserve).

Alternatively, sign up for a horse trail – the reserve has a collection of dependable nags that will suite anyone – from complete novices to relatively experienced. If you are culturally inclined there is an authentic Basotho village – a living museum if you like – which offers tours.

I am here in spring – the hills are rolling green and dotted with flowers – but you could just as easily time your visit for any season. Summers are temperate, autumn is a world of colour and in winter there is always a chance of a light dusting of snow.

And then there must be no better time to check into one of the self-catering units of the mountain retreat in the park with someone special, a few good books and a supply of good red wine in order to lose yourself for a while.

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