The Sachet Squadron

Posted by Pedal2peak on 16 June 2009

The Sachet Squadron is the name we gave to a group of travelers we befriended at Mayoka Village. We all became so close knit that if one of us were missing the staff at Mayoka would be worried.

It would be of bad taste not to mention each person, so here is a brief introduction into the Sachet Squadron.

Kane was the first to befriend us. Like any good Essex boy he enjoys a good game of pool and a beer. He also educated the entire squad on the eradication of hookworms, rest in peace Fred and friends. They were Kane’s friends since he visited Tofo in Mozambique.

Joe and Jackie, two Americans, who joined us on the boat trip shared the dorm with us for a total of ten minutes before upgrading to a chalet. No problem since we got free coffee every morning. Coffee for the riff raff we joked.

Shy and Shani, two very attractive Israeli girls, also befriended us on the boat trip, always bringing a smile to the table.

JP and Vicky, both British and proud, with a sense of humour to match. An inseparable and amazing couple. JP had a chirp for every occasion while Vicky’s laugh was infectious. She also always put in a good word in with the single ladies, just to look after her boys.

Caroline we met through Shy and Shani, they had traveled together before and met again in Mayoka. A very attractive girl from Hereford, whose silent approach was quickly shattered, to show a really fun outgoing girl, who kicked everyones arse when it came to paddling dugouts.

Stian, joined us late and left us early to go to Likoma Island. His contribution was large since he managed to obtain a huge quantity of vodka sachets after the market had closed.

We spent the days swimming, snorkeling, cliff jumping, paddling dugouts and relaxing in the sun during the day, together, but the notoriety of the Sachet Squadron unfolded after dark.

Being all of similar ages, different cultures and all of good taste we enjoyed our drinking games. Its seems most card games are universal, exceptions were to be made to a simple game of Kings Cup, that formed Ring of Fire.

Kane introduced the sachets. Everyone else ordered their mixes and the Sachet Squadron was born. Only after five days of drinking cheap sachets of whiskey, vodka and cane did someone read the ingredients: Ethanol, caramel sugar and whiskey flavouring.

At less than a rand a shot we were not complaining, but it was strange how some whiskey’s tasted like rum. Must have been the wrong flavouring in some batches.

For five days the group was inseparable, attempting to party till sunrise, but waking up anyway to see it together. Good friends were made and slowly we all had to move on along our different paths, but I’m sure we will cross those paths again.

I just hope the nearest bar is stocked when we do!

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