Solace in Solitaire – Motorbiking through Namibia

Posted by Rob House on 2 April 2009

Early this morning Dan and I were treated to a quad ride into the foothills where the sheer numbers of these strange fairy circles is staggering – certainly we would’ve been none the wiser to their presence had good fortune not stepped in when it did

With some reluctance we got back on the road again, our destination Solitaire, where we had heard that some of the best apple strudel this side of Austria was to be found. Only a hundred or so kilometers today as we are both well aware of just how unforgiving the road can be.

Apart from the natural hazards on this road which were testing enough, GP plated 4×4’s did their bit by barreling up from behind at breakneck speeds again leaving us in choking whiteout dust. Quite why they feel the urge to race across this beautiful scenery is beyond me but the next one that does this to me again, and I catch up with, will be interesting. Just a little chat.

Solitaire sits at the junction of the C19 and C14 and is an eclectic mix of bush pub, restaurant, general dealer, garage, campsite and lodge. A wonderful combination of locals and tourists alike shared sundowners and a braai this evening. Deep Afrikaans accents mixed with a higher pitch of a group of Chinese overlanders. Add a little Dutch, a soupcon of German, a pinch of French and a twist of Brit and Solitaires’ United Nations were in full swing – everyone smiling.

A very special evening.

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