Ray Chaplin’s solo walk from Cape Town to Beit Bridge

Posted by Ray Chaplin on 21 November 2009

I woke a little after midnight with the first message of the day coming from my brother in London, but went straight back to sleep luckily and woke a little after 5am with birds chirping and it getting light… but it wouldn’t catch me out like that. ‘Snooze’ button it was and I rolled over – I refuse to wake up early on my biirthday!!! So a little after 6am I got up and swung into action – just 6km to Matjiesfontein and mom was coming to visit.

Camp was packed in a flash and off I set, following the undulating track with one thing in mind… getting to Matjiesfontein and flopping into pool 🙂 Hey, washing twice a day still doesn’t help out here so you gotta give me the pool! Messages and phonecalls galore made walking a little dangerous as I kept taking my eye off the ground and stumbled a few times. This was particularly stupid of me as the service road was very badly eroded, making oing fairly difficult as it was.

The road disappeared onto a farm behind a closed gate so up onto the line I went and walked with caution – fearing the worst! Some narrow stretches and I had to move quickly in case – but then I saw it… like a little oasis ahead. YAY! I was so excited I even SMS’ed my mom “I can c Matjiesfontein”. She called to say she was just locking up the house and would be leaving shortly… cool!

I passed a small service car as I neared town and the occupants stared at me in amazement, not sure whether to greet, ask what I’m doing or wish me luck on my journey [or laugh of course, as many do].

The last little stretch into town, as the line split into six, I walked on the line and noticed a train standing at the station – Rovos Rail of course. Most passengers had opted to stay aboard and enjoy breakfast and stared at me as I passed on the lines… then climbed up on the platform. I’d arrived!!!

Watch & GPS off, this was my time!

A few snaps on the platform and I headed to the hotel to check-in and find the pool, as I was way to early for my room to be ready.

As I climbed out of the sparkling blue pool under the windmill, I got a call from my dad saying mom had been in an accident and was awaiting tow truck, car people, etc… NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Who was the idiot who drove into her? He’s just ruined my day! This was devastating! I was gutted! Was she ok? Was the car driveable? Could she still come up?

It took a little while to get all the info, but eventually my mom called and she was ‘fine’ but the car was going nowhere! How could this be?

She was heading home but ideally needed to be checked out at a hospital, so thanks to Mark and Jeanette for kicking in and helping out to arrange that for me – much appreciated, I will always owe you!!! X-rays turned out ok & Jeanette is a physio and says mom is fine… but while this was awesome news it didn’t make up for my day. NO!

Completely shattered I headed straight to reception to find out how to get on the next train to CT… which was Saturday 7am. DONE!

I spent the afternoon wishing mom was here as I cruised the museums and around town checking things out… before rushing to Laingsberg with some of the locals to get cash, as there is no ATM in Matjiesfontein & the Shosholoza Meyl doesn’t take cards 🙁 But that was experience in itself, lemme tell you that! Law? What laws? Guys are maniacs, but a great bunch!

I got back in time for sunset & a quiet drink, before heading for dinner – an AWESOME lump of cow, followed by loads of ice cream. Then, off to bed for an early night to get up early.

So, I’m actually typing this busy packing to get on the train and head home…
A: to check on mom & make sure she is actually fine
B: to swtich out kit for stage two (it’s cheaper and easier than couriers in the Karoo!)

Don’t worry, I’ll be coming back out in the next 72hrs – I just have to get home for my own peace of mind. There’s nothing than being in the middle of nowhere and not knowing. Doubt is terrible and I can’t handle that on the trail, and my folks have always dropped everything for me – it’s time to do the same for them.

So, have a super weekend and I’ll be in touch while in Cape Town… and look to be back in Matjiesfontein by Tuesday at the latest.

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