Perfect pita pockets

Posted by Leigh Stefanski on 30 July 2009

When I was growing up, my mother used to make these pita pockets stuffed with roast chicken and pineapple for Saturday lunches. I love them as much now as I did then.

You’ll need:
2 pita pockets
2 roast chicken breasts, shredded or cubed (great with leftovers from a roast chicken)
a quarter of a fresh pineapple, chopped into small cubes
a handful of mixed lettuce leaves, sliced into strips
2 tbsp mayonnaise (any variety you like)
salt and pepper
cayenne pepper (if you like)

Here’s how:
Toast your pita pockets until they are lightly browned. Slice them in half and make sure they open easily (you may need to run your knife carefully through the slit if it wasn’t cut properly, just don’t make holes).

Throw all of your ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Season with salt and pepper and a touch of cayenne pepper if you like. Stuff the pita pockets carefully and enjoy with a glass of chilled white wine.

Yours in food

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