Leaving for Kashmir

Posted by Don Pinnock on 4 September 2009

‘Kashmir? Are you crazy? There’s a war going on there!’ I got that reaction from more than a few friends when I told them where I was heading.

‘Nonsense,’ I replied. ‘The troubles are all over.’ But in honesty I wasn’t sure. India, Pakistan and China have been scrapping about then place for 30 years and when India and Pakistan partitioned in the 1940s more than a million people died in the mess that followed.

But Kashmir has SUCH allure. It’s India’s most northern bit and straddles the Himalayas. The trip I’d planned for Getaway Adventures would be led by Mountain Adventures, a reputable outfit based in Deli, and I hoped they knew what they were doing. So tomorrow I head for the airport with bags and cameras and a filtration pump because I’m damned if I’m going to get Delhi Belly.

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