Creamy chicken, mushroom and Parmesan baked pasta

Posted by Leigh Stefanski on 6 August 2009

This is by far the most decadent dish that I make, but I can’t resist because it’s just so delicious and is a perfect winter warmer for those chilly nights.

The reason I’m on mushrooms yet again is that I was completely spoilt over the weekend and was given a large box of fresh mixed mushrooms and a bag of dried ones as a gift. I just had to use them! I get so excited by fresh produce.

You’ll need: (serves 4 well)
A handful of dried mushrooms (your favourite variety)
Olive oil
1 large clove of garlic, crushed and chopped
Half an onion, chopped
4 chicken breasts, cubed
sea salt and black pepper
2 handfuls of mixed, fresh mushrooms
200ml white wine
450g dried pasta (I used fettuccini but it’s up to you)
250ml double thick cream
150g Parmesan cheese
2 sprigs of thyme

Here’s how:
Firstly, preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius and get your dried mushrooms soaking in warm water to re-hydrate. Don’t discard the water that you’ve soaked them in, we’ll use it later.

Saut your onion and garlic in a pan with a dollop of olive oil until they are translucent. Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper and add the chicken pieces and move around in the pan until sealed on all sides. Add all the mushrooms to the pan until they soften then throw in the wine with the mushroom-water.

Get your pasta on the boil according to the packet instructions. When it’s ready, strain and set aside.

When the liquid in the pan has reduced to half, add the cream to the pan (you can supplement this with a little milk if you feel the need), bring to the boil then turn the heat off. Season well with more salt and pepper. Add the thyme and most of the Parmesan, leaving a little to sprinkle on later. Mix well and give a few moments for the flavours to infuse.

Add the pasta, mix well and transfer to a baking dish. Sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan and put in the oven for about 15 minutes or until bubbling and golden brown.

Serve with a glass of wine and enjoy!

Yours in food

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