Let sleeping wild dogs lie

Posted by Imogen Searra on 8 November 2019

A pack of 15 African wild dog were translocated from the Kalahari to Gorongosa National Park, in Mozambique, on 31 October. The animals were flown to their new home, in an attempt to reintroduce the species to the area.

African wild dogs or painted wolves are one of the most endangered species. According to Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC) between 3,000-5,000 (600 to 1,000 packs) remain in southern and eastern Africa.

Pictures of the wild dogs sleeping, snuggled up in a group, have gone viral on social media, for obvious reasons.

‘To save them and ecosystem functioning, we need to reintroduce stable packs into safe spaces where they can once again thrive. As of recently, Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique) is one of those safe sites,’ said Cole Du Plessis, a pilot from the Endangered Wildlife Trust in a Facebook post.

Pilots Raymond Steyn and Tim Webster Pilatus PC-12 Centre Southern Africa along with Cole Du Plessis from the Endangered Wildlife Trust along with NPO The Bateleurs, were behind the translocation.

In 2018, a similar project took place where 14 wild dogs were reintroduced to the same park. According to Du Plessis, three of the females have had pups. 

The wild dogs are doing well in their new home, Gorongosa National Park is seemingly becoming a beacon of hope for this precious species.


Image: The Bateleurs


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