Day 19 on the island – Life 2 the limit blog

Posted by Joe Starke on 22 April 2010

Sad to see our friends leave, but I’m slightly relieved as I have fewer potential patients to worry about.

We had all looked forward to Nick’s birthday as a real milestone for the team, so I think everyone woke up this morning quite excited. In addition, Matt, Angi, Jono, Kristen and Lisa decided they would leave here today, so there was their excitement of going home in the air as well.

We celebrated the birthday in fine style, and I think it will be one Nick will not soon forget. The present I made for Nick (a checker board from bamboo and other drift wood) seemed to be well received and I certainly working on it has kept me going the last few days.

Then we said goodbye to five of our team mates, which was certainly sad, but I think everyone did really well to get as far as they did, and obviously they each have their reasons, as well as many good things to look forward to.
Happily Jono’s back has improved enough that he was able to move relatively easily, and I think he will make an uneventful recovery.

For the five that remain, we discussed shared tasks, and reorganised ourselves a little. And I am confident we will all continue to do well over the coming days.

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