Best of Getaway Funny Signs: spotted on the road

Posted on 30 November 2012

It’s amazing how many people go to considerable lengths to tell other people wacky things on boards – and often get the message so delightfully wrong doing it. Hundreds of these memorable signs have been spotted, photographed, and sent in by Getaway readers as they journey through these hilarious, poignant, silly, ridiculous and often bewildering signs.

Getaway magazine looks back over the twenty-odd years of publishing to bring you this Best of Getaway Funny Signs collection. This definitely doesn’t mean that these funny signs have all been seen before. In recent years travel has become easier and more and more Getaway readers have explored an ever-increasing footprint across the planet, meaning the repertoire of funny signs pictures have grown to include some never-seen-before corkers.

Here is a selection of the funniest signs spotted beside the road

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In the Cederberg, John Wiggins, Lutzville, took his chances with the devil.

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Fair enough. Gabriel Geral spotted this rather explicit sign on his way to Lydenberg for his honeymoon.


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Where to next? Peter Strosbacs was confused when he reached this sign on the road to the Hoba meteorite near Grootfontien, Namibia.


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It’s certainly one way to find your way around your house. Taken in Lefarrgathle, near Rustenburg by J Stander.


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Yusraa Ameen snapped this in the Kruger National Park. You have to admire little ‘attacks’ like this. This was definitely planned and stickers had to be made. The ‘attack’ probably happened at night.

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This one speaks for itself! Susan Venter, Tzaneen, found this sign in Ngepi Nature Reserve.

CClick here to go to our books section to buy your copy for R85. You won’t soon find another book this affordable that’ll make you laugh quite this much.

You can win a copy of Best of Getaway funny signs by submitting your own funny roadside signs. Click here to find out more.


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