Funny signs of the week

Posted on 6 July 2012

We all happen across them from time to time. Little pockets of humour spread all over the countryside. It doesn’t matter whether it is in a remote little village or on your everyday travels; a funny sign, whether intentional or not, can often make your journey memorable – or at the very least, liven up your day. This week’s funny signs were compiled by Devlin Nightingale.

Win a copy of Getaway’s third edition of the Funny Signs series, Getaway:Even More Funny Signs – a collection of truly hilarious messages from Africa and beyond. Click here for more information.

The following funny signs were sent in over the past week by our readers:
Human Flooring - Loriane Grobbelaar
Loriane Grobbelaar was on a recent trip to Pretoria when she drove past this sign. As someone who is yet to rise through the business ranks I don’t know what it is like walking over people. I have heard it is like walking on clouds.
Snow Making - Carolyn Chelchinskey
Carolyn Chelchinskey took this photo in the bar at Afriski, where alcohol and snow are far more important than water to drink. It does sound rather dubious. It’s like when a guy on the side of the road asks me for a cigarette and I tell him I don’t smoke. They can always tell.
Apartments to Let - Jaclyn Teubes
Jaclyn Teubes spotted this small sign in an old Oak tree in Cape Town. It is her fault you just let out that uncontrollable ‘Daaaaw’. Also, a little known fact, squirrels are infamous for skimping on the rent each month. They’re nuts.
No Condom No Sex - Virginia Miglietta
Virginia Miglietta found this sign in Tsumkwe in the north of Namibia on the way to Khaudum National park. She didn’t mention whether or not they visited this establishment. Probably for the best as I am convinced it is a brothel with an ingenious name to throw off the fuzz. And a new policy to boot.
Divisive Devices - Kevin Banks
Kevin Banks was travelling around the USA and came across this warning sign on the Interstate. Phew! And here I was thinking they just sucked infringements out of their thumbs. Surely ‘Camera’ is easier to read when you are zipping past the sign?
No Hawkers - Madelein Lundie
Madelein Lundie didn’t mention where she found this sign. My feeling is that she is an insurance broker and high-tailed it out of there, just in time to come by my house.
Company Policy - Greg Lee
Greg Lee saw this sign in an old parking area outside a large factory in New Germany. The big wigs sure know how to run a parking lot here. Having all the ladies around as they arrive in their mid-life-crisis cars. Oh yeah!
Sleeping Grapes - Brenda Rogerson
Brenda Rogerson discovered this sign outside a wine farm next to the Orange River in Namibia. I had no idea grapes slept. It does make sense though. Can you imagine how bad their hangovers must be?

Pop in again next week for another dose of funny. Alternatively, if you think you have happened upon a sign worthy of this space please email it to [email protected]

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