Funny signs of the week

Posted on 11 May 2012

We all happen across them from time to time. Little pockets of humour spread all over the countryside. It doesn’t matter whether it is in a remote little village or on your everyday travels; a funny sign, whether intentional or not, can often make your journey memorable – or at the very least, liven up your day. This week’s funny signs were compiled by Devlin Nightingale.

Win a copy of Getaway’s third edition of the Funny Signs series, ‘Getaway:Even More Funny Signs’ – a collection of truly hilarious messages from Africa and beyond. Click here for more information.

 The following funny signs were sent in over the past week by our readers:
Pull rope to flash - Andre Olivier
André Olivier snapped this one in a “pay” toilet at Piet se Slaghuis in Okahandja, Namibia. I don’t know about you but I don’t think I want to see a toilet ‘flashing’. Still pulling rope for a flash is part of the process.
Gatvol - Denise
This is a sign outside the laundry Denise used recently in Paarl. According to her the owner gets ‘gatvol’ pretty quickly as she struggled to get her laundry back because she kept arriving too late. I wonder if the rules apply if he has an unruly customer testing his patience and also whether he waits for said customer to vacate the premises before closing up shop.
Deranged chatelaine - Janet Middleton
Janet Middleton saw this sign whilst walking on the Wildside of Plettenberg Bay and quite graciously filled in the missing words. I am pretty sure she wasn’t too perturbed by the crazy baboons or mad dogs but the feral teenagers and a deranged chatelaine? Wild agapanthus!? I’m surprised she had time to take the photo.
Ferry disposeable - Louise Heckl
Louise Heckl took this shot in the Lake District in England. I find it a bit odd that they charge you to dispose of your car in jolly old England. Typically British, I say! Here you could just leave your car outside for a couple minutes and it would magically disappear. Even if you didn’t want it too!
Cabbages and condoms - Channe Moore
Channe Moore spotted this in Pattaya City, Thailand. First you learn all about the “Birds and the Bees” then you get to put the knowledge to the test at the “Cabbages and Condoms”. What a great business model. Not too sure if I would eat there though.
Happy days - Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown didn’t disclose where in Thailand he found this bar. Probably trying to keep it to himself. Or maybe he couldn’t remember? I suppose when you drink enough the days flyby like hours.
God bless the rains - Beatrice Vercuiel
Beatrice Vercuiel took this pic at Beaverlac whilst going for a hike. If you have ever wondered where “God blessed the rains…” – you now know.
Unhappy hour - Sara Essop
Sara Essop found this outside a pub in Richmond. I found it to be horribly offensive and probably shouldn’t even be posting it. Who would do such a thing?
Don't be a tosser - Maureen Verster
Maureen Verster was travelling around Australia when she came across this ‘beauty’. Littering is definitely for tossers. It also sounds so much better in an Aussie accent: “G’day mate, stop be’in a tosser, would ya mate?”

Pop in again next week for another dose of funny. Alternatively, if you think you have happened upon a sign worthy of this space please email it to [email protected]


Win a copy of Getaway’s third edition of the Funny Signs series, Getaway:Even More Funny Signs – a collection of truly hilarious messages from Africa and beyond. Click here for more information.

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