5 highlights at the Pick ‘n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival 2013

Posted by Natasha Clark on 26 June 2013

Getaway magazine recently launched a competition to win a five-day, all-expenses paid trip to document and blog about the Knysna Oyster Festival and I sort of totally WON! I won an adventure valued at R30 000. My flights are booked, arrangements made and I’m very much ready to go! The catch? I’ve got to have guts. In addition to featuring the festival, I’ll need to handle Knysna’s exciting side – and that’s not just the oyster eating competition either. I am going to bungee jump off the Bloukrans Bridge, paraglide over Sedgefield and zip line between ancient Yellowwoods so tall they shield the forest from daylight … and (apparently) live to tell the tale. (If you haven’t booked yet, here are some accommodation options for the Knysna Oyster Festival.)


It's not all scary. I'll also be taking in the view (and delicious food) at places like the Drydock.

Image by Drydocks

I am taking this very seriously because I really want to be the best Oyster Festival Correspondent there ever was. I am like, one step away from becoming the next Christiane Amanpour right now. I want you to feel like you were really there, I want to tell everyone exactly what every event was like in detail so intricate that you could almost feel my hangovers. I’m learning so much about one of the most beautiful parts of our country. The more I read and discover, the prouder I feel about being a South African and I mostly feel so blessed that I’m going to be a part of this. Joining me on the trip is fellow blogger and lover of oysters and adventures – Keri Bainborough.



Please promise not to hate me. What I am about to share with you is truly amazing and I am beyond grateful for this opportunity. Here are some of the highlights from our personalized Oyster Festival line-up. REMEMBER YOU PROMISED NOT TO HATE ME.


1. Sport, beer and kids: something for everyone

If for some reason you don't like champagne with your oysters, never fear. Craft beer is here.

Image by Hasmita Nair

Knysna really has something for everyone to enjoy: the Pick n Pay Cape Time Forest Marathon for the runners, to the Knysna Craft Beer Project for those who are tired of champagne. What I love about the Oyster Festival is that they have it during the school holidays every year and the whole event is incredibly kid-friendly. There’s a whole programme for kids and even qualified holiday care / minders to assist with extra hands so that mommy and daddies can sneak off for an hour or two to take part in some oyster-shucking. The children’s programme is truly amazing and has been developed with a lot of love and attention to detail. It has probably been developed by mothers. Who want to drink wine.


2. Visiting the Elephant Park

Image by Kwathabeng

The Knysna Elephant Park is where you can ride and walk with elephants. Also feed and touch them. I am going to cry.


3. Bungee jumping

Image by Face Adrenalin

As scared as I am, I’m going to jump off a bridge and I’m going to love it. (YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND I am even too scared to have my ears pierced and I have burst into tears when there was a Christmas Beetle in our house once.) This is going to be interesting.


4. Treetops Adventure

Image by Timberlake

I’m so excited about the Treetop Adventures which basically looks like a really cool obstacle course rather high above the ground. They have a kiddies course too that I know my boys will love – I’ll need to go back real soon to take them!


5. Tandem paragliding

Oyster Festival, Hazel Dickens

Image by Hazel Dickens

I am actually not scared of this at all. This looks like super fun. I am really going to love this. Paragliding in Sedgefield!

That’s only some of the glorious activities we’ll be up to: there’s also a township tour, the Knysna Heads, lunch at Zucchini and 34 South, Knysna Wine Festival and Night Market, Pick n Pay Flavours of Knysna… We’re going to be very, very busy ladies.

Keep up with the excitement by following the official account on Twitter and the tags #oysterfest #Big5 #TabascoHotspot. Also follow me and Keri if you want to be entertained by two girls trying to convince one another to literally jump off a bridge.  It’s going to be funny. We have also made a pact to stop tweeting after the 6th glass of wine for the sake of the sponsors involved. We hope to remember this pact but we probably won’t.

Read up on what happened last time Getaway went to the Knysna Oyster Festival


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