Carolina prawns and unbelievable motivation

Posted by Pedal2peak on 13 April 2009

It was a Saturday morning and we hurried towards Carolina. We were not going to miss the Sharks game.

We stop in for a beer and steak at Chrissiesmeer and are told that we must go speak to Corrie at Buffs Bush Camp just before we turn off into Carolina, he would be able to organise a camping spot for us.

Andy’s words still clear to me were “Just look for the shortest man at the bar, thats Corrie.”

We reached the Bush Camp before lunch and ordered a beer. A man in a wheelchair greeted us as we walked in. We greeted back and asked if Corrie was around. He answered us by introducing himself as Corrie.

Suddenly Andy’s words rang out with a large dose of sarcasm. Shortest man at the bar, of course, his in a wheelchair.

After a good shower we relaxed to a good game of rugby, while we waited for Chris, a very good friend of Marc’s, to arrive.

Corrie invited Marc, Chris and me to supper. We sat down to a huge feast of queen prawns and rice. It was impossible to finish the plate. We sat till late chatting with Corrie. Corrie did not charge us for the dinner or accommodation.

At the supper table I realised just how determined Corrie was not to let his disability get the better of him. It was inspirational to a see a man in a wheelchair whose heart and drive made him stand taller than any man.

At breakfast we sat down to eggs and bacon, washed down with a Bloody Mary superbly mixed by Marc. It was unfortunate about the rugby score though. Well done to the Cheetah’s who managed to pull a few shark teeth.

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