Fantasy Castles and Fairy circles – Motorbiking through Namibia

Posted by Rob House on 1 April 2009

We unanimously declared today, April fools day, a rest day – not wanting to tempt fate any further than we have done.

We recharged batteries, literally and figuratively, and planned the next section of the journey towards Swakopmund with a better understanding of the road conditions, our abilities and the fierce heat.

I spent an hour or so watching a hawk molest doves and sparrows with little success suggesting it was a juvenile, however, I forgot my field guide – perhaps someone can identify the bird for me?

Six weeks ago this whole area was under water, but now meadows of green grass sway in the afternoon breeze with Springbok mowing away, casting a wary eye in our direction. The heat will soon transform the landscape back to the dun sandy colour familiar to most visitors, but for now luxuriant greens fill the panorama. Just visible on the distant hillsides are few a circles of taller grass catching the afternoon light, fairy circles. A mystery to science these circles sanction no plants to grow within their boundary. Tomorrow Gareth from the hotel has promised us a quick trip into the foothills to see a few more.

Until then, the sun is setting on the lush pastures, lending a mystical quality to these fields of fantasy.

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