Man down with Malaria!!!

Posted on 7 March 2009

Ozzie has malaria. He’s a fighter though – he’s already wanting to carry things and help clean gear and he’s only been down for a day.

Danny has flu – also man down. Went with Melissa and Wes to the market just down the road to see a bit of the town and bought some second hand clothes. They have these funny shacks where they sell and play dvd’s – almost like Mr Video, but the flicks all seem to be dodgy subtitled kung fu movies. Quite hilarious, really.

Going to record a group of women singing songs of daily life in a bit. Should be really interesting – they’ve been at a funeral all day and are lamenting about their loss. So I’m imagining songs of woe and songs of daily life, as here the women work the vegetable fields, singing as they water and sow, pick and hoe. Only, everything here is in African time, as we call it – lets hope I get to do it today.

Taz Wilde – Sound

There are few jobs in the world where you have the fear of death put into you on an almost daily basis. The reality of Africa is people die all the time from wild animal attacks, disease and fatal road accidents. Every morning I wake up with a knot in my stomach, what boundaries will we push today? What risks will we take? Will we get hurt? And how will we react? Treating Ozzie for malaria was a responsibility that chose me, not the most comfortable situation for either of us. Good to still have you with us Oz!

Darren Putter – Producer/cook/brother/medic/driver/navigator/bottle washer/Dad!

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