I'll have the Hum & Cheese, please – Eating out in Ethiopia

Posted by Alison Westwood on 28 February 2009

My Amharigna (Amharic) is awful. It’s so bad that after several days of trying I still can’t remember how to say ‘thank you’. (You try. It’s amaseghinalehu. There is no short version.)

So it makes me feel better that Ethiopians seem to have almost as much trouble with English. Menus in particular are a source of secret delight to me and I’ve started ‘collecting’ them for moments when I need some cheering up.

Here are a few of my favourites from the Blue Nile Hotel breakfast menu in Bahir Dar:

  • Toast bread, marmland, table butter
  • Scrambil egg or friend egg
  • Cheese On plate
  • Pan Cack with honey
  • Porage
  • Corn Flaks
  • Local varieties of the latter two are available at the Hotel Lammergeyer in Gondar where, in addition to Corn flex and Pourage, you can order:

  • Grilled Hum & Cheese sandwich (I had one of these. Hum is weird stuff.)
  • Egg with meet
  • French fried
  • Gordon Blue
  • Stake Alabismark
  • Smirn off
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