Travel to Inhassoro – gardens @ Gilo

Posted on 24 February 2009

They said that Africa was not for sissies’ I laughed and thought “well all that walking up and down Table Mountain would see me through”.

Never in my wildest dreams not even those of a young man wishing to walk from Cape to Cairo did I expect to be shocked by every turn of our traveling Trio of Toyota’s. Shockwaves of pure bewilderment at the beauty of our land, and that of our neighboring countries. Our travel has been a lot easier than that of the thousands and thousands of Africans that I have seen, and although I feel like as if I have only see the land through a very small pinhole, I can not escape my new found love of the people, culture and joy of traveling through Africa.

Oscar O Ryan – Camera Assistant

Today I felt myself settling into the “rhythm” of travel. The experienced traveler will understand the term. The feeling that you are one with the road, the elements, the challenges, but mostly the people and the smiles, the feeling of standing barefoot on the hot tar and understanding the purpose of travel, feeling the growth in your soul.

Darren Putter – Producer

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