Here’s what it looks like to swim with whale sharks

Posted by Kati Auld on 4 June 2015

Swimming with whale sharks has got to be on most people’s must-do lists. This video is the next best thing: try to forget that winter is wailing away outside, and pretend you’re floating in warm, crystal-clear waters off the coast of Mexico.

Whale sharks

This gorgeous drone footage of divers swimming with a group (shoal? pod?) of whale sharks is the most calming thing in the world. (Except for when one diver gets a little too close – buddy, you do know that this guy’s mouth is bigger than you are, right?)

There’s no soundtrack, so I suggest you make a playlist of your favourite instrumental songs and watch this a few times over until your heart-rate is as slow and methodical as a large fish. Seriously, these guys are better than manatees.


Swimming with whale sharks and mantas – as seen from above
from Tom Gruber on Vimeo.


Have you ever swam with whale sharks, or doesn’t it appeal at all? I want to hear about it – tell us in the comments!

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