Funny signs of the week

Posted on 26 April 2012

We all happen across them from time to time. Little pockets of humour spread all over the countryside. It doesn’t matter whether it is in a remote little village or on your everyday travels; a funny sign, whether intentional or not, can often make your journey memorable – or at the very least, liven up your day. This week’s funny signs were compiled by Devlin Nightingale.

Win a copy of Getaway’s third edition of the Funny Signs series, ‘Getaway:Even More Funny Signs’ – a collection of truly hilarious messages from Africa and beyond. Click here for more information.

The following funny signs were sent in over the past week by our readers:
Beware Lions and Elephants - Nobby Clarke
Nobby Clarke spotted this sign whilst travelling through the Swaziland Game Reserve. Nobby, like myself, was left pondering just how many casualties were had before they decided a sign was in order. Also, this sign isn’t nearly comprehensive enough. I mean if you have to be warned about lions and elephants…

Men! Be seated - Brendan Stevens
Brendan Stevens found this one on the toilet seat in the men’s toilet at Eikendal wine estate, Stellenbosch. That’s right, in the men’s. Clearly most of the patrons of this establishment enter with drastically impaired judgment and a pretty careless attitude! As Brendan suggests it may very well have something to do with the wine tastings.

No bills, seriously. - Debbi Winstanley
Debbi Winstanley was holidaying in Pumula along the KZN south coast when she noticed this signage. Clever little unit getting protection for itself. Personally, I am going to be adopting a ‘no bills’ policy from this day forward. I just need to get armed ‘backers’… and change my name to Capone.

The Fork & Train - Etienne Schut
Etienne Schut took this shot at Santos Train Restaurant in Mossel Bay. I vaguely recalling asking my mom for a “Fork and Knife” and the look of shock and horror appearing on her face. It was a lesson in sentence structure I will never forget.

Re Entry - Russell Chilton
Russell Chilton discovered this sneaky piece of graffiti in Paris. Clearly this ‘artiste’ was intent on bringing the public access back to this area. We could get really in depth with the meaning and use of the sign as a personal billboard, getting his intention out in the public sphere through minimalistic principles; but really I am just going to go with ‘pretty nifty’.

Customs' new venture - Khalid Ballim
Khalid Ballim found this sign at the Port Elizabeth Airport. How are we supposed to ‘stick it to the man’ when they are so ‘chilled’ with their new offerings?

Don't squeeze, please? - Carene Malan
Carene Malan discovered this little sign whilst walking in the Pick ‘n Pay, buying produce for their next camping trip. Clearly the days of allowing the oppression and abuse of fresh Avo’s are numbered! It was only a matter of time I guess.

Wine & Drugs - Pierre Joubert
Pierre Joubert was roaming around Ravello – Italy when he came across this place. At least you know you are in for a great time after a visit to this store. Or at the very least some good Italian wine.

Dead, slow children playing - Lynn Dann
Lynn Dann found this sign post whilst visiting Haga Haga earlier this year. It must have been a truly harrowing experience… but at least we can take solace in the fact that they were still able to play.


Pop in again next week for another dose of funny. Alternatively, if you think you have happened upon a sign worthy of this space please email it to [email protected].

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